Posted by on Jan 13, 2014 in Florence Bird Sculpture, Special Projects | 0 comments

My interest in our common history has led me to learn more about our nation’s First Ladies.  These clay maquettes, approximately 1/4 life size are made for future bronze casting.  Each of these first First Ladies added her special attributes and abilities to our cultural identity.  “Remember the ladies”

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Louisa Adams, wife of John Quincy Adams

Louisa Adams, wife of John Quincy Adam

A grouping of First Ladies

A grouping of First Ladies


Elizabeth Monroe, clay maquette for "First Ladies" group

Elizabeth Monroe, clay maquette for “First Ladies” group


Abigail Adams, clay maquette for "First Ladies" group

Abigail Adams, clay maquette for “First Ladies” group



Clay maquette for one of 5 "First Ladies" group

Dolley Madison, clay maquette for one of 5 “First Ladies” group


Martha Washington clay maquette for “First Ladies” group



Pouring bronze at Vanguard Art Foundry

Pouring bronze at Vanguard Art Foundry

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